Wrapped in Black: ThirteenTales of Witches and the Occult

Read in November, 2014

Wrapped in Black coverI am a big fan of Sekhmet Press and their WRAPPED Series. Wrapped in Black is the third anthology in the series and the focus this time is witches and the occult. I will admit, witches aren’t my favorite characters to read about. I rarely find myself drawn to a book because it’s about witches, like I am with books about vampires or time travel. But Sekhmet has yet to disappoint me with their anthologies, so I was very happy to read this one!

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WRAPPED IN WHITE: Thirteen Tales of Spectres, Ghost, and Spirits

WIW CoverAfter reading Wrapped in Red, a vampire anthology released by Sekhmet Press, I was very excited to hear about Wrapped in White: Thirteen Tales of Spectres, Ghosts, and Spirits. As a lover of ghost stories, this was a wonderful collection. The perfect kind of tales to read around a campfire. I was very pleased to see two of my favorite authors (Allison M. Dickson, author of STRINGS, and Patrick C. Greene, author of PROGENY) had contributed to the anthology. I also discovered some authors I was unfamiliar with who had some amazing stories in the anthology.

Here’s the breakdown, in TOC order.

Daddy’s Glasses by Allison M. Dickson

This is Dickson at her best. Great imagery, amazing character development, and her remarkable skill at grabbing the reader and never letting go. There’s a reason she’s one of my favorite authors, and this story is the perfect example of her talent.

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Book Review: The Murdered Metatron

The Murdered Metatron

by James Glass


Murdered Metatron CoverThe voice of God is dead…

When John Smith wakes from a coma in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania he remembers nothing of his past except that he might have tried to commit suicide. In an effort to pay the bills he becomes a private detective and is hired by a strange pair of clients who are determined to find out who killed the Voice of God. The clues lead him to the doorstep of the strange and reclusive Virgil Calahan and a hundred year old crime.

My Review:

The concept of this story is very intriguing. A man wakes up from a coma with no idea who he is or why he is in the hospital. He has two scars running down the length of his back and he possibly tried to commit suicide. Meet John Smith, private investigator.

This story instantly drew me in. James Glass has a wonderful skill at mood setting. The story has a dark quality, yet you find humor throughout. The Murdered Metatron is filled with a cast of unforgettable characters. I loved the way the story was told, with little bits and pieces of the past slowly being revealed. The story has some twists and kept me guessing until the end.

I am a fan of mysteries and this one hooked me. I anxiously await the second installment.

The Murdered Metatron is available in my print and eBook editions on Amazon!

Book Review: Wrapped in Red

WRAPPED IN RED: Thirteen Tales of Vampiric Horror


Thirteen crimson concoctions sure to tempt your teeth, from the ancient to the modern, from the Carpathian Mountains to the Atlantic Ocean to the Wild West, you are sure to find your… type – Wrapped In Red.

13 Authors.
13 Stories.
Unlimited Vampire Nightmares.


I have always been a fan of vampire stories. The Vampire Lestat is one of my favorite books ever. And I know you will judge me, but I devoured the Twilight series in two weeks. Doesn’t mean I liked it, but I read it. So I was super excited when the publisher offered me an advanced copy of this anthology. Vampire short stories? Yes, please!

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