Book Review: The Dark Tower Book 7

THE DARK TOWER, Book 7 of the Dark Tower series
By Stephen King
Read multiple times


This book is hard for me to review…but I’m going to try. This is more of a review of the series as as a whole.

I’ve read this series multiple times and love it more with each journey. This book in particular is heart-breaking. To come so far with all these characters, then to lose them so quickly… Stephen King has done an amazing job with this story. The connections with all his other work is incredible, and the characters are so clear and real. Eddie Dean is one of my favorites in all of King’s books. I’m so glad I read these back to back. I can’t imagine the wait between any of the books.

Now I know some people had issue with King putting himself in the story, and I did at first as well. I thought he was making himself a God of some sort and found it very pretentious. However, upon finishing book 7, I realized King was just another character in the story. He was not God, only a tool. Roland and his Ka-tet exist without King; he merely tells their tale. And who better? Who can weave a tale like Stephen King? Who can connect so many books/worlds together as well as him? I’m probably biased, but I think he is one of the best story-tellers ever…

As for the ending…well, I found it perfect. I was one of the Constant Readers who smiled at the last sentence. After all, Ka is a wheel.

Well done, Sai King, well done.

On another note, I’ve read the series three times and listened to the audio version twice. I highly recommend the audio books to any fan of the story. The narrator truly brings life to these characters and it is a completely new journey for the reader.

My Favorite: Stephen King

My Love of the King

My love for the writing of Mr. King is no secret. If you know me, you know my feelings for the Master of Horror. I have not read every single piece of his work, there are odd short stories out there that I will never have the joy of reading. Of his main list of published novels and collections, numbering 64 as of this writing, seven remain unread, and The Shining sits forlornly half-read. I’ll get to them all eventually, I hope. One of the joys of discovering King was the amount of titles. And his wonderful habit of releasing one book a year (lately two a year). I feel there will always be an unread Stephen King novel waiting for me.


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The Dark Tower

The Dark Tower

DT imageI have a definite obsession with this series. I’m what Eddie Dean would call a Tower-junkie. I could read it over and over again. I can talk it about for hours with a fellow fan. And I have done both these things. If it was one book, it would be my favorite, no contest. The world Stephen King created is breathtaking and unforgettable.

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